Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mr. Friendly

Why do I let things get to me? There is so much joy in life, why bog yourself down with things that weigh heavily on you, that frustrate you? Isn't it time to get rid of all the garbage in your life - people, activities, etc.?

After disposal, shouldn't you feel much better? Then, you can appreciate the little things in life. For example, my little Adam is full of personality. He is not afraid to talk to anyone. What he has been loving is hanging out with all the "workers" who have been coming to work on our house. This morning, after dropping Grant off at school, I found him in his pj's and rain boots carrying a shovel into the backyard.

He had told them about how our tree fell over in the storm. He was telling them that they weren't getting all the stuff out of the hole they were digging. He was making small talk like he was one of them. I love it!

Another time we had "workers" over, Adam came inside needing a snack. He took it outside. Later he told me that he had his snack with them, and he "sat next to the guy with the blue shirt" while he was on break. It was just so precious.

I adore that my children have personalities and are so different. I also love that they fight and have arguments among each other; it shows that they are brothers. (Yet, I also pray they will be best friends some day.)

If I had more "garbage"/baggage in my life, would I have the opportunity to see these things in my children, to know them so well? I don't think so. My family is one of the most important ventures in my life now. I will work hard right now for them.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Wash That Gray Right Out of Your Hair

I got to blow dry my hair again today. Wow - two times in a row! We had school open house. I should look a bit decent.

Anyway, when I blow dry my hair, I get a bunch of flyaway's - flyaway hairs, that is. (Girls, you know what I'm talking about.) And I just smile to myself when I see a gnarly ol' gray hair standing straight up. And then I pull/pluck it out. I only pull them out because it looks pretty goofy heading straight up to the heavens.

But I want to say one thing about gray hairs. It is like a rite of passage. I found my first one when I was 26 years old, pregnant with my firstborn. I think with each pregnancy and each child you birth, you get more stupid and grayer. It is like God is tapping you on the shoulder telling you to wise up, that you will be responsible for another life in this world besides your own. (Don't they say gray hair means you are wise?)

I'm not against coloring my hair, but I do embrace the gray. Also, I embrace the extra slab of twin skin on my belly I got after carrying babies. Gray hair and my "tubby belly" are my pride. I gave birth and have four, healthy guys because of it.

Why are they some many articles about "losing the weight after baby"? Why are there so many tummy tucks? I've never seen an article helping women embrace who they are and what they have become. As long as these women are healthy and not obese, what is a little bit of a tummy?

Just some of my thoughts. Enjoy - or not.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Venting Addendum

It has been a good day.

My house is now clean. No messes exist. Toiletries were organized. Toys were put away. Laundry is being washed, dried and folded. Outgrown clothes and toys are set to get rid of. Dishes are in the dishwasher.

I just got out of the shower. It felt good to wash the grease and grime out of my hair. I shaved my legs. I'm wearing new shorts and a new t-shirt. Maybe I'll even blow dry my hair and put makeup on. Ooooo.

The little guy skipped the morning nap on purpose and is now fast asleep for the afternoon.

Fights? Hardly any. Timeouts? Only one. Actually, the boys are playing quite nice together, especially Adam & Grant. Will is hanging out watching Nemo. It is quiet.

Guess what? I took my pills this morning. Is that why? Or did someone say a prayer for me?

And now, I believe I will go sit on the couch.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Venting, Part 1

It's been a bad day. I have lots of them. By reading this blog, you have probably thought we have the perfect family, perfect kids, perfect home.

Yeah, right.

After having no rest after a terrible storm, which brought 3 children to our bed, I am tired. No rest equals bad day, no matter what.

I just got reprimanded. Someone came to my door to let me know my 3 boys were playing in a pipe in the construction zone. How embarrassing.

Also, I am on a committee for school to plan an event, an event that sucks. And if you know me and my penchant for event planning, I don't accept status quo. I need the best. This school just settles, and is reactive not pro-active. I can't stand it.

My little one didn't want to take a nap this afternoon. I need my down time every afternoon. It just makes me more crabby! These boys don't listen to me. Ugghh!! Dave says I'm too lenient on them, too many warnings. I say, with so battles to pick in a day, which ones are the most important?

My house is a mess, truly a mess. And it is so depressing, all these white walls.

I haven't showered in 2 1/2 days. I think I have been wearing this t-shirt and shorts for most of that time, including to bed.

One of my girlfriends just e-mailed and mentioned my blog and how envious she is of me. Ha!

Right now, in my life, I am just a mom and a wife. And I'm not too good at either one of them.

Guess what I just figured out? I forgot to take my happy pills this morning. I'm an idiot.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Elvis has Left the Field

It was Elvis Night at the annual outing to the White Sox game for the Docter family. After explaining to my children who he was, and after them remaining clueless, we embarked upon a night full of him. They got their lesson in Elvis history as he surrounded us at the ballpark. He sang the national anthem, he was in every contest between innings, he sang every song played, he (a pack of them) did a little dance number for us on the field, he parachuted in from the sky and he even put together some of his hits and set them to fireworks. He truly is the king!

The Docter Family was out in full force, minus a grandkid or two and Brandon & Liz. It was fun, so much fun! We had some first-timers to the Celluar Field: Will, Adam & Morgan. We had Mr. Caleb beside himself over a lost, then-found, Foam Finger. We had Miss Josie sleeping through many a boom-boom's during the fireworks show. Will & Adam learned how to crack peanuts. Oh, and did I tell you that the boys saw the "Serious" Tower on the way in?

I love my family. Will they ever know how much? Probably not, but I will love them and the times we have together no matter what. It is fun watching my brothers have a partner and sisters-in-law for me. It is fun watching my brothers as dads. It is fun watching my dad be a kid all over again with the grandchildren. It is fun seeing a grandchild cuddled up on my mom's lap. Our family has evolved over the years, and will be evolving for many more. Again, I will cherish - cherish the days of yesteryear, but also the new memories we are experiencing together as the Docter's.

Ahh... No Kids

(FYI: I'm not sure if my slide show is working correctly yet. I'll keep trying - you just keep checking. Enjoy the text!)

It was a weekend away without children. And us old people were acting like kids ourselves. Yet, we had a blast. In the last 9 nines summers since we have been cottaging the first weekend of August, this has to rate at the top of the list for good times. Probably the best of all the weekends.

Joining Dave & I were Mark & Nikki VanDam, Craig & Sharla Slings, Jason & Kristin DeVries, Ryan & Lisa Flipse and Jeff & Gina Gaich. (Dave & Karla Weemhoff sadly could not be here this year. Their loss. Ha!) I can't believe how silly our time was. During our usual evening pontoon ride, we decided to give some visitors to the Housman cottage (Dan & Cort, Ryan & Sue, and Phil & Sherry) a scare. At about midnight, we coyly tiptoed up to their hut and scared the be-geezus out of them. What a blast!

Retaliation ensued after we were tee-peed at 1:30am, peanut butter was spread over windows and cars were repositioned over at Evergreen Shores. (Not our finest work, but we didn't have much to go on.) But it was a memory. And can you believe we stayed up until 3am? We are stupid! Hey, no kids. And we weren't tired. Unbelievable.

Then we get up in the morning, and after being re-energized by Jason's omelets, we were challenging the "other girls" to a tube-off. But after they saw us practicing around the lake, they waved their white flags in surrender. So, I believe us old ladies never did make it around the lake once - we fell off so many times. Yet, the boys put us to shame as Mark was a maniac on the tube. He would flip over, accidentally, and keep hanging on and flip back over. Unbelievable.

So much fun was packed into our weekend! Then, we had to go home. Ugghhh.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Remembering the Lasts

I packed away the bottles today. After 6 1/2 years of feeding these children, bottles are officially done in the Gibson household.

I was a bit sad. My last bottle. We will never have anymore special cuddly-lap feeding times.

We mark many moments of children's lives by their firsts - first foods, first steps, first day of school. But do we remember the last of the previous moments? Do we remember the last bottle? Do we remember the last time we nursed? Do we remember the last time riding with the training wheels? Do we remember the last day of preschool? Not always. Maybe it is because we are so happy and relishing in the moment of advancement.

I guess, as I said earlier, it makes me sad also to think of a last. We will never have those times again. Yes, I will miss the lap time feeding. Yes, I will miss the childish-ness of a little boy on a teeny-tiny bike with four wheels. Yes, I will miss the naivete of a Kindergarten student, enjoy life with a wonderful, expressive teacher.

I will remember those times with marvelous love, and cherish them forever.

And we move on - to new endeavors. Learning how to use the sippy cup, learning how to pump on the swing, riding all by yourself on your bike to your new friend's house down the road. For the rest of their lives, there will be more firsts.

These also will be held close to my heart.