Once upon a time...
No, we are not telling it like that. So here it goes, my way.
Today was the big Easter party at Thornridge Preschool. Will & Adam were to have a decorated hat for the "parade." Three years ago, Grant's mother (me) was a bad mom and didn't know about such a thing for the party. As Grant walked the parade and was introduced wearing a straw hat Miss Pam and Miss Cindy found in the dress-up clothes, tears streamed down my face as thoughts of how awful a mother I was.
So, three years later, I was determined to do it up big and make this whole hat experience wonderful for my boys.
But the dilemma is that I don't go for the commercialism of Christian holidays. Santa, the Easter bunny - blah, blah, blah. And I was reminded of this viewpoint after visiting Grandma's house for hat ideas and decorations.
Here is how it went down. A couple of my brothers, I believe it was Bryan, Blake & Brandon, were over there at the time eying my hat decorations. They were doing a simple brainstorm among themselves and decided Will needed to wear a crown of thorns. And he should carry a cross. Oh, my. What would the other mothers think of that?!
But it got me thinking more. Maybe we could go this route, but could I get my guys on board? Thus, I found all the Easter books and stories in the house and read to them. I read to give them knowledge of the whole story; I read to them for inspiration; I read to them to give them courage if this hat thing went through.
Out with the girls for a birthday, the topic came up again. Suggestions included painted styrofoam balls to symbolize the empty tomb. Mary could be "branched off" the grave, along with the risen Lord. Another boy could wear a crown and wear a sign "Jesus is Alive" and "Jesus is Lord". (And for any of you out there who knows what sputtin' is, this might be the appropriate time to use it. Forgive me Lord.)
When shopping for materials for my grave, I was also looking for supplies for a foam Easter basket hat. Walmart had all the supplies for both projects. And after much contemplation and weighing the difficulty of making a hat out of styrofoam balls, I decided to go with the foam route.
I am glad we did this. After I cut and constructed the foam framework, it was all them. They had a blast creating. Adam loves the glue and pipe cleaners. Will loves stickers and is a bit of a perfectionist. And Grant even got in on it, with his hat having "symmetry" as he says.
And not to forget about the true meaning of our Holy Week, the boys both put a cross on their hat. Adam made one out of pipe cleaners. And Will had cross stickers all over. He couldn't wait to wear his "Jesus hat" to school today.
I guess a bit of commercialism isn't bad. As long as they know what we are really celebrating! As they waved palm branches this past Sunday in church, they knew. "Hallelujah! Hosanna! Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Risen!" Happy Easter!