Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Triple Bops

It has happened again. Tonight we had simultaneous triple dumps among the three older boys.

Will was the last one to announce his intentions. So, I steered him toward the remaining bathroom as I explained the others were occupied. He states he remembers the last time, and that it was "cool".

As a house full of girls most often get their cycle at the same time, is this what happens in a house full of boys?

(Please enjoy another toilet photo of one of my children. This is Adam, age 4, last Christmas.) (He'd be so embarrassed if he knew all that I was doing.)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sun & Sand

"Let's go to the beach this summer, Auntie Liz," Grant asks.

"Good idea, Grant," Liz responds. "Let's do it."

Three months later...

"When does school start, Grant?" questions Liz.

"Next week Tuesday," responds the 7 year old.

"I guess we better go to the beach Monday then, seeing as we haven't gone yet this summer if we want to get it in before school starts," replies the Auntie.*

*(conversation is not exact words, please understand)

So, off to North Avenue Beach, as requested by Grant, for a day of beachy, beachy fun! Uncle Brandon, Uncle Bryan and Grandma Docter joined us in the outing. It was a bit chilly, but when the cloudless sky came upon us, we took off our shirts (Brandon) to enjoy the sun and soak it in. Grant and Adam loved the water, especially jumping and riding the huge waves that were formed that windy-ish day. Will was my sand man, as we dug big holes and made tunnels and built our own sand guy. Frisbees and footballs were flying as uncles were tackled.

What a way to end the summer! Enjoy the slide show.

Ahhh... The First Day of School

It started out as a wonderful, quiet morning. I was awake before everyone else, getting cinnamon rolls ready for the first day of school breakfast. It was commercial-like as I woke my children up. Grant says, "Ahhh... I smell cinnamon rolls." "This is an exciting day," exclaims Will as he is climbing down the bunk bed ladder. The children had arisen without a complaint of hating school or wanting to stay in bed. And sitting around the table wasn't a battle; it was expectant and joyful.

"Boys, we need to be in the car by 7:40," I state at 6:42am, thinking we have plenty of time this morning.

Things were going smoothly along until about 7:20. After quelling up with anxiety and impatience, I erupted. Mr. Grant tests me to no-end on school mornings. He is the biggest dilly-dallyer I know, besides Dave. And it drives me insane!!! I can't send him upstairs for anything because he gets lost in the process of it all and unloads his mind by playing Legos when he should be brushing his teeth. Then, I yell up to him again. "LET'S GOOO, GRAAANT!!!"

"Mom, why did you yell so loud?" questions Will. "BECAUSE I HAVE A SECOND-GRADER WHO CAN'T GET READY BY HIMSELF!!!" I scream.

At 7:35am, an accident happens by one child, right after they had just sat on the toilet for 5 minutes. Dave can't help me out, because he is wiping his own butt on another toilet. I make Grant cry as I pull his hair while combing it. And I get frustrated because my eldest is a sissy, crying all the time over the littlest things, like a little tangle in his sun-streaked locks.

It is now 7:46am, and they grab their shoes. "GET IN THE CAR!!" "WE'RE SO LATE!!" "AND IT'S ONLY THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!" "UGGHH!!"

"Ah, shit, we have to take a picture," I say, followed by my thought of "I hope they didn't hear me say shit. Maybe I can play it off as 'ah, ship.' "

"Don't make us take a picture in the front," Grant states, "The sun is in our eyes there."

"JUST GET OVER HERE NOW!!" I utter loudly to them, not wanting to wake any neighbors and bring attention to the crazy lady who loves in that house. "AND IF YOU DON'T SMILE, I WILL GIVE YOU A SPANKING!!"

Happy First Day of School, boys! Your mother sure made it joyous for you!

In conclusion, I have got to come up with a better morning plan. And pray for more patience. And have another apology ready for my new second-grader when he gets home.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Back-to-School Bash

The Gibson mother wanted to bring Grant's boy classmates together before the school year began. So, a messy party was planned. T-Shirts were spray painted. Jello balloons were tossed. Dirt pudding was eaten. Life Savers were sought after in whip cream pies. Mud was abundant in tug-a-war. Soapy water was splashed all around on the slip-n-slide racetrack. Silly string was discovered. And water fights were aplenty.

Boys need to be boys; they truly defined the word "boy" yesterday. They embraced it. They dove right in, figuratively and literally.

And I loved it. I loved watching them be their boyish selves. Running, jumping, getting disgusting. Having water fights, going crazy with the water balloons. Most of all, I relished their huge smiles and carefree spirits.

Over the past 3 school years, I am beginning to know these little guys better. And I have seen what special kids they are. They are most often filled with joy, seeing it in their smiles and bouncy demeanor. Grant is blessed to have such wonderful classmates. It's going to be fun watching them grow over the years.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"I've Got Bops!!!"

From the powder room, Adam states, "I've got bops!!!"

Grant proclaims from the master bathroom 10 seconds later, "I've got bops!!!"

And another, "I've got bops!!" is heard right after that from the upstairs bathroom from Will.

This is a phenomenon. How often have you ever had 3 of your children going Number 2 all at the same time?

Will says to me later, "Mom, what if we didn't have three bathrooms?"


(By the way, Grant, age 3, likes to peruse magazines just like his Daddy.)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Another One Bites the Dust

Storm Results August 4, 2008: A trampoline mangled after flying 3 lots over through 1 side of a new fence and resting upon the other.

And who could forget the results of an early morning Christmas present on December 23, 2007: Besides the side of our house being attacked and torn and scratched away, this trampoline was never to be jumped upon again.

Yet, it all started in June of 2003 at 12700 Goldenrod Place with the invention of the "trampo-kite". After taking off from the back corner of the yard, the maiden voyage of our first trampoline/trampo-kite ended up 100 yards away over our untouched fence onto our neighbors tree. We will have to work on that landing.