Friday, August 3, 2007

Remembering the Lasts

I packed away the bottles today. After 6 1/2 years of feeding these children, bottles are officially done in the Gibson household.

I was a bit sad. My last bottle. We will never have anymore special cuddly-lap feeding times.

We mark many moments of children's lives by their firsts - first foods, first steps, first day of school. But do we remember the last of the previous moments? Do we remember the last bottle? Do we remember the last time we nursed? Do we remember the last time riding with the training wheels? Do we remember the last day of preschool? Not always. Maybe it is because we are so happy and relishing in the moment of advancement.

I guess, as I said earlier, it makes me sad also to think of a last. We will never have those times again. Yes, I will miss the lap time feeding. Yes, I will miss the childish-ness of a little boy on a teeny-tiny bike with four wheels. Yes, I will miss the naivete of a Kindergarten student, enjoy life with a wonderful, expressive teacher.

I will remember those times with marvelous love, and cherish them forever.

And we move on - to new endeavors. Learning how to use the sippy cup, learning how to pump on the swing, riding all by yourself on your bike to your new friend's house down the road. For the rest of their lives, there will be more firsts.

These also will be held close to my heart.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

You're a good writer, Amy! It's fun to read about your kids, and they are adorable. I linked you from my blog!