Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Fun-Filled Afternoon

Schererville Golf & Fun Center is closing next week Sunday. I had never been mini-golfing with my kids before, and we had tokens to use up, so off we went. Uncle Brandon declined the offer to babysit the baby, but agreed to join all of us instead.

The boys had a blast mini-golfing on the "Castle" course. Grandma & Grandpa Docter took them on the North course a couple months ago. So, they were thrilled to go on the other one! It took us all of 20 minutes to mini-golf. We kept no score; the boys did not wait for everyone. Highlights of the event were Adam throwing his ball out onto Route 41 at traffic and I got two holes in one. So fun!

And then the fun did not stop. It kept on going! We headed inside to use up our tokens, plus the $20 Uncle Brandon pitched in! What a waste of money, but oh such a joy to watch them spend these coins so frivolously! They cashed in their tickets for junk - candy and bouncie balls and little dinosaurs. Junk to us is pure treasure to them.

And then, after I tried to steer them away from it, these conniving little fellows convinced Uncle Brandon to go in the playland with them. I can't believe that old boy would crawl up and around in those tubes and such. I don't know how he fit down that slide. The boys loved it though.

And then we capped off the evening with Red Robin. "Can we get a balloon?" That is the highlight of the restaurant, and the fact they can untie their balloon and make it do farting noises. Oh, such joy!

I'm glad I didn't have girls. (They would end up in therapy because of me.) Even though I sometimes wish me and the boys could just sit and color for more than 5 minutes.

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