Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

These holidays have been deadly for my waist band.  And the fact that the gym isn't calling my name as loudly as last Christmas.

But what I am thankful for is a good ol' workout shoveling the snow.  That has got to burn off at least a thousand calories, right?  Burn off that half bag of Tositos, right?  I don't know, but that's what I tell myself.

In addition to getting my big ol' booty off the couch, shoveling is a way to hang out with the boys outside.  I get to be the hero by pushing that white puff into big piles for them.  Then what is created it entirely up to them.  So far this year, we have had the simple sled hill and also the pile made into snowball forts, inspired by the watched-the-night-before movie of "Elf".  They just love that part where Buddy is a snowball-throwing machine, attacking the bullies and making them fall over!  That scene, and the burp for like 30 seconds scene.

So, enjoy the winter, the snow.  Enjoy the fishtails and the donuts.  Enjoy the bitterness of the chilly wind that takes your breath away.  Just be thankful you have breath, be thankful you can drive, be thankful you can see.  And I am thankful I can shovel.  Enjoy the snow, the winter.


Uncle Brandon said...

maybe next big snow fall I can come over with my bread pans and show them how to construct a fort with snow bricks, do you remember doin that with me?

Amy Gibson said...

Brandon, I am sorry I do not remember bread pans. I have your mother's memory, remember? If I knew that you could use bread pans, I would have saved the cash I spent for Adam's birthday on the snow brick makers. So, you bring the pans; we have the plastic red things. It will go twice as fast.

And maybe the next time it snows we could go sledding too. It could help Lizzie along in this last days.