Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Oh, Darn It!

Have you ever noticed they don't make socks like they used to? I don't remember mine becoming as hole-y as quickly from years past? Should we bring back "darning"? Do you even know what darning is?

And speaking of hosiery, I wore nylons, aka panty hose, the other Sunday for the first time in years. The outfit called for it, and luckily the only pair I own is black. Yet, the elastic waist was a little flimsy. (Must be all the weight I've lost. Ha!) Having a little fun running/simple jog up to the sidewalk of church with the little guys, I noticed these nylons had let go of my waist and were headed on down to about the hips. No big deal. Yet, a trip to the bathroom after dropping the boys off in Treasureland was needed after I realized they were most likely going to be shown falling down at the hem of my skirt shortly. The rest of the church service and trip home were most uneventful, but it was great to come home and rid myself of them. I was tempted to throw them away, but who knows when I might need another pair of black nylons again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"As Hole-y" Hmmm.