Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Gaggle of Google

I recently read an article naming the word of the year. If you are curious, "subprime" made top honors. Yet, I was more fascinated and impressed with a runner-up - "Googleganger."

What's a "Googleganger?" A play on "doppelganger," the word is "a person with your name who shows up when you Google yourself."

Have you done it before? Googled yourself? I have. Now there is a word for it.

Meet Amy Gibson, a former soap star, and the leading consultant in the country for women afflicted with hair loss.

Meet Dave Gibson, a singer, songwriter and member of the Gibson/Miller Band.

Meet Adam Gibson, home improvement guru, contractor and designer.

Meet Will Gibson, a musician from the UK.

Meet Grant Gibson, award winning interior designer.

And our little buddy Gise has no Googleganger. (Isn't there a word for that, when you try to google and nothing comes up?)

Enjoy my little findings. Goofy, I know,but enjoyable.

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