Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A "Lousy" Disclaimer

So, I've gotten a bit of negative feedback from my last blog entry. Even though a blog is meant to be just thoughts, ideas, fun, etc. spewed out and not having to have an explanation, I feel one is probably necessary this time.

I wrote this entry as a bit of comedic relief from our lice situation. And also to present some facts that were misconstrued. It may have come across as a bit harsh, but that was not my intent. Please forgive me if I offended you in any way; I am still trying to perfect the art form of writing sarcastically. Obviously, I have a bit of work to do.

And for those of you who chose not to want to be by us after knowing about our nasty nits, I understand your concern over it. I wouldn't want to come over to my house either.

If you have any hard feelings about my entry, please call me, and we will talk. Also, if you want to debate lice facts with me, bring it on! I'm game.

I do love you all dearly. Please know that. Amy

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