Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What a "Lousy" Time

Hi! This is Gise here. (I know I can only speak one word, "ball", but I have so many words in my head and I know how to type. I am borderline genius, but am throwing everyone off with my vocal skills. They think I am cute, so I'll stick to that.) This is a message to everyone who knows about my condition. And also a message to further educate those who don't know.

Some of you have made my mama feel bad. And it is all my fault. My mommy found a bunch of lice on my head last week. She says she should not have told anyone.

She is upset because people have so many misconceptions about lice. They think lice can fly or jump; they just crawl. The only way you can get them is by head-to-head contact; not by sitting on my couch. Once a louse is not in contact with your scalp anymore, they die off within a day or two. Also, having lice is not harmful; it is just a nuisance.

And my mama feels overwhelmed enough because of the nonstop laundry and the constant combing of our hair, but to have others shun our family because of the myths or their unsupported "facts" make her feel even more terrible.

And by the way, I just didn't wake up with my infestation on Saturday. She figured out, by research and talking to others and consulting my pediatrician, that I probably had it for at least a month. The life cycle of a louse is a long one. I probably got a louse from somewhere awhile back. Then, it had to grow up bigger in order to lay eggs. (And they can only lay 4-5 eggs per day.) Then, it takes at least a week for the eggs to hatch. And a louse can live on your head for about 40-50 days. And even then, you may not even know one is on your head because it can take about a month for your body to recognize the louse' saliva when it bites you for their food every 3-5 hours, and makes you itch.

To reiterate, I have had lice for awhile, and we all didn't know. Auntie Liz, you probably cut my hair while I had it. Miss Gina, you had my brothers in your carpool while I had it. Uncle Blake, you didn't wear a HazMat suit last time you saw me. A lot of people were at my house over Christmas and probably had it. And the funny thing is, now that it has been recognized and treated and it is gone, people are more concerned about staying away now. They were more likely to get it before, then today.

So, instead of trying to keep us at bay, I suggest you should check your own heads. My mommy said she would do it for you, because she has become an expert at spotting them and the eggs. And she has all the tools to pick 'em out.

And before I sign off, thanks to those who have been a true support to our plagued family. Thank you Auntie Dawn for your expertise. Thank you SuppaClub for not thinking twice about whether my mom and dad should go out with you. Thank you Grandma Betts for not thinking it was a big deal. Thank you Grandma Docter for listening to my mama and letting me come over to visit today. But most of all, thank you Uncle Brandon for saving Mommy on Saturday, bringing over the special shampoo and helping pick out the gross bugs and being willing to cut our hair. I love you.

Thank you Gise for being such a wonderful, little boy and standing up for your Mama! And an update to those who could care less about what Gise has had to say, our little family has no signs of lice or their eggs. Yet, I am still combing with my special tool at least two times a day just to make sure. If you have any comments or questions or concerns, I would be thrilled to open up a discussion with you!

We are not going to be slaves to this bug! And neither should you! So, if we come around, you best be opening your door! Much love, Amy, the Mother

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